Blogs, Integrations/EDI
Print labels quicker, safer, and more flexible with the new Transsmart API
21 July, 2022
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4min. reading time
Printing labels. Finding the best courier. Checking the latest order status. These activities may seem a small part of your logistic process but especially these have a huge impact on the efficiency of your operation. Therefore, 3PL Dynamics integrates with Transsmart (powered by nShift): an advanced send platform that integrates in a standardized way with all of your carriers. For example, you can easily collect the correct labels for over 800 carriers worldwide. With Transsmart, you do not need an individual integration. Instead, you can do all your requests in one standardized way. And with the integration between 3PL Dynamics and Transsmart, you can do this directly from your logistics software solution.
A shift from Transsmart 2.0 to Transsmart API
Een tijd terug maakten we kennis met Transsmart 2.0. Een nieuwe manier van integreren met het A while back, we got acquainted with Transsmart 2.0. A new way of integrating with the platform. However, as you know, logistics and technology never stand still. That is why we now introduce the next step: integrating with the Transsmart API.
Without getting too technical, we will explain the difference between the two underneath.
Transsmart 2.0. a quick recap
In the current version of the Transsmart integration, your software creates a ‘DoBooking’ message via the standard connector module. After that you can print the labels via a ‘Getdocs’. The most recent order status can be requested via a ‘Getstatus’ message.
The new integration with Transsmart
In the new situation, you integrate with the Transsmart platform via Datahub. You do so via the API. When you want to print labels, the label directly returns via ‘Booking’ -> ‘Print’. Datahub can even send the label to your printers directly.
Are you looking for the most recent order status? Then, you do not have to request it every minute via a ‘Getstatus’ message anymore. Instead, Transsmart pushes the latest statuses actively to Datahub, which updates it in 3PL Dynamics automatically.
Furthermore, when you did not have a Transsmart integration yet, you can now request the configuration via ‘Getbookingprofiles’. Easy.
3 practical benefits of the Transsmart API
Er verandert veel in de werking van de integratie achter de schermen. Maar wat betekent deze veranThe integration has changed a lot behind the scenes. So, how do these changes help you in practice?
1. More flexible & more control
Because of the developments in the integration between 3PL Dynamics and Transsmart, you have caught up again with the standard. You are again ensured of the latest technology. Furthermore, you are a lot more flexible. You now do not use parameters on messages anymore, but you work with conditions on the document. With it, you can bring variation to your Transsmart integration per document, customer, or delivery address.
2. Quicker
The new integration with Transsmart is faster. On all fronts. The process of request to printing consists of three steps: booking the order, receiving the labels, and printing the labels. All three have been improved. Which makes the total duration four times faster.
Furthermore, activities based on the latest order status do not depend on the moment of requesting the status anymore. Now, the Datahub immediately updates your 3PL Dynamics environment based on a signal of the carrier. Therefore, you always have the latest order status right away
3. Safer
Because you use Datahub, OAuth2 is used as authorization method. Because of this, you can keep intruders out and you enforce the protection of your digital systems. Read more about OAuth2 here.
More information?
Do you want to learn more about the developments in the integrations? Or do you need help configuring the new Transsmart integration? Mail to marketing@boltrics.nl