App Platform Warehouse

Fuel management: it all starts with insights

The fuel consumption of trucks determines a large part of the costs of transport / ride. Saving on fuel, provides environmental benefits and saves costs. In order to save, it is necessary to have insight into the consumption. By coupling board units or PDAs in trucks with the TMS system, information on mileage, fuel consumption and refueling will be available in the TMS system.

Your administration always up-to-date

After refueling, the driver enters on the on-board unit or PDA how many liters it has refueled, the fuel, how he paid and the amount. These data are – along with date, time, location, start- and end mileage – made available in the TMS system. Processing tank receipts at the office is therefore no longer necessary. An overview of your fuel management for the tax authorities are generated with just one mouse click from your TMS system.

Fuel consumption

Information about the fuel consumption of trucks is sent directly – via on-board unit or PDA – to the TMS system. This enables you to have better insight into the fuel consumption per truck and driver. So you can quickly see which truck consumes more fuel and/or which driver can improve his/her driving style. This way you can easily save on fuel costs.

OSCOT, one of the most important transportation KPIs.

Does it seem like you are not going to meet your Service Level Agreements? Then it is necessary to improve your processes. But where exactly? Insight into your performance can then offer a solution.

The 5 Do’s and Don’ts of a new TMS solution.

What should you pay attention to when implementing a new TMS? We have listed the do’s and don’ts for you with tips to keep things simple and transparent.

TransHeroes opts for Boltrics’ TMS

“Despite the solid growth phase we are currently in, our most important pillar remains the personal contact with our customers. Boltrics’ TMS makes personal contact even more possible because of automation.”

Get your business under control.

Wondering if our TMS system would be the right fit for your business? Request a free demo to discover the possibilities.
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