In your logistic operation, processes are never set in stone. The foundation is there, sure! However, the strength of your 3PL business is to flexibly react to new wishes from customers or demands from new customers. A flexible software solution like 3PL Dynamics helps you with this. But being self-reliant in tweaking and tuning your system is just as important. You cannot afford to wait for Boltrics to take you by the hand. You want to take control yourself. Therefore, the Boltrics Academy offers you a broad range of e-learnings, Q&A sessions, and training possibilities to gain the most out of your software. Starting before the implementation and continuing long after go-live. In that way, you have the knowledge in-house to be self-reliant when it comes to your software system.
Ready to improve your knowledge of our solution or offer a (new) colleague the opportunity to learn the basics of 3PL Dynamics? Boltrics’ Academy is the place to keep your knowledge up-to-date before, during, and after implementation.