Forwarders: take the lead with a truckload of knowledge.
Software for forwarders
As a freight forwarder, you know by heart the rules to comply with the necessary formalities. International transport is a home game for you. Is your outdated system limiting your growth and negatively impacting your customer satisfaction? Are you wasting time manually registering the necessary data for export consignments? Or frustrated that it takes at least five hours to complete your invoice administration?
Modern technology doesn’t have to be complex and expensive. Boltrics’ freight forwarding solution allows you to easily register the required details in one single system. Link price and contract agreements to your forwarding orders with one click. And generate with the same ease of use CMR, customs documents, and invoices. Simplifying your processes has never been this easy.
Groupage & road freight
Working with groupage? Then you must deal with several collection points and delivery addresses per route. Our software shows all your orders, customers, and carriers in one single overview. Making the planning of trips a lot easier.
Air freight
Handle all air freight processes and generate corresponding documents without switching between different systems. Simplify the process and avoid errors with a direct link with Cargonaut. Print the Master- and House Air Waybills or share it digitally as an e-AWB with the parties concerned with a push of a button.
Ocean freight
Avoid duplication of work; enter data only once and let the system do the rest. For example, register separate bookings per destination and let the software link them as partial shipments to a container file. The solution will take the total weight and format of the subdivisions into account. All you have to do is print the loading list and container manifest.
Automate declarations and generate automated corresponding documentation while retaining continuous insight into the customs process. Reduce the margin of errors and speed up the process with the functionality and interfaces within Boltrics’ software.

Simplify the processing of purchasing invoices
Run your logistics and financial administration from the same software solution. Match incoming invoices with agreements made and reduce the number of mistakes.
Automate your financial administration with Document Capture. Simply scan invoices and send them directly to Dynamics 365 Business Central, where the information is handled via the integrated Document Capture solution. Hence, reducing administrative actions and associated costs.

Also interesting for you:
Improve your customs process – know your product
Customs uses a standard classification with which in principle everything can be classified. You start by determining the correct classification of the product. But how do you do that? What do you need to take into account?
Customs forwarding software
Forwarding, the international despatch to and receipt of goods demands expertise and a single system that supports all customs flows, which is why our FMS software offers comprehensive customs functionality. Automated declarations, and automated corresponding documentation; whilst you retain continuous insight into the customs process.
VCK Logistics Airfreight streamlines airfreight specific processes with Boltrics
“We have all our activities integrated into one solution so that data is entered only once and management information gives a total picture of all our activities.”