How-to, How-to
Who is logged on Dynamics NAV?
22 May, 2017
Reading time
2min. reading time
Did you ever receive the pop-up: “Your program license does not permit more uses to work simultaneously. Wait until another user has stopped using the program. Contact your system administrator if you want to allow more simultaneous users on your system.”?
Ok, but who is the ‘another user’ and when does this user stop using the program 🙂 ?
Follow these steps (easy version):
- Search another user in your company who is working in Dynamics NAV
- Search in Dynamics NAV for Sessions (upper right corner)
- Press Yes to continue
- You will see a list of all users currently logged in Dynamics NAV
Note: One user can have multiple sessions at the same time, this will be counted as one session.
Follow these steps (advanced version):
- Run PowerShell as Administrator
- Copy and paste the code below
$NAVID = 100
Import-module "${env:ProgramFiles}\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\$NAVID\Service\NavAdminTool.ps1" -force -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false | out-null
$ServerInstances = Get-NAVServerInstance
foreach ($ServerInstance in $ServerInstances)
foreach ($Attribute in $ServerInstance.Attributes)
IF ($Attribute.Name -eq 'ServerInstance')
$Session += Get-NAVServerSession -ServerInstance $Attribute.Value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
IF ($Session)
$Session | Out-GridView
Check if the $NAVID setting is valid (e.g. 90 = NAV 2016, 100 = NAV 2017)
- Execute the code by pressing F5
- You will see a list of all users currently logged in Dynamics NAV.
Note: This script shows all loggend users over all NAV Server-instances.
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