Blogs, How-to
3 hands-on tips & tricks to customize your (scan) views in 3PL Dynamics
2 November, 2023
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3min. reading time
A standard solution without sacrificing flexibility and the possibility of personalization. It’s exactly what we pursue and offer with 3PL Dynamics. Naturally, you can assume that all your scan views in 3PL Dynamics will most likely have a similar touch and feel to them. You can tailor a lot of these views to your personal liking depending on your needs. In a previous blog, we already talked about how you can do that. Hungry for more tips? You’ve come to the right place, because we have a few more hands-on tips & tricks we can share with you.
1. Save space in your layout
Do you wish to have a bit more space to work with while using 3PL Dynamics? Have you ever come across the top of the screen, as well as the bottom bar below? If you have and wish to hide them, you can very easily do that. You can also choose which buttons to be displayed on the bottom bar.
To do that, simply navigate to “App Properties” and set the desired property in the section you wish to show/hide:
2. Condense data or present photos within a view with the CSS Attribute “Table”
An important but often overlooked feature is the TABLE (CSS) attribute. You might feel a little bit more daunted to change the setup of this, yet it is well worth the effort to do so. It can allow you to condense data or even present photos within a view.
All you need to do is create a string with a ‘|’ as a delimiter (“Hint: look at function 74 & 90 in codeunit 11155090) and set your CSS Attribute to the value “TABLE”. Then, declare your line type to a session variable as well as declare the name of that (string) variable on that same line:
Once you have completed the setup process, you should get a result resembling the following:
3. Optimize the layout of your scan views and show/hide lines
What if you want to hide certain lines that you don’t always need to see? You can accomplish this by setting a function on a scan view line, which is activated by a simple “if, then, else” statement. When the condition is met, one of 3 responses is triggered:
- Show a line
- Hide a line
- Do nothing
The last option can be helpful when combining these functions in order to meet multiple conditions on the same line. Begin by opening the attached functions on the line:
From there, you proceed by adding function 100 from code unit 11155090. Then open the parameters by clicking on the highlighted “yes” button, or access them directly below:
Lastly, simply enter a condition upon which you would like that line to either show or hide itself.
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