One of the biggest challenges for any company is keeping track of their sales. And when your clients do not pay their invoices on time, that problem is exacerbated even more. Therefore, it is vital that you have a tracking system within Business Central to keep track of any delays in payments, thus giving you the ability to act quickly and efficiently. In 3PL Dynamics we have developed an easy process to keep track of all your invoices so you can have a quick overview of the outstanding payments of your clients. 

Get a quick overview of all the invoices and their payment terms

Here you can quickly how many invoices are outstanding. You can personalize the specific terms. In the example below we can see that 519 invoices are within payment terms. 25 are between 1-7 days late, 41 between 7-14 days, etc. As you can see these can also be color coded in order to show which of them require immediate attention. With one  click  you can get the complete list of the invoices for each tile giving the overview you need of which clients to contact regarding payments.

Easily generate reminder mails

So, you know which of your customers are behind on payments. The next step is to send them a reminder about it. Via the search bar you can find the very useful Reminder List (3PL). This tool allows you to easily generate automatic reminder emails for your customers.

Enter the list and click on Create Reminder.

You will then see the option menu where you can configure the reminders you want to send out.

You can configure the posting date of the invoice and document as well as the grace period. This can also be done for a specific customer by inputting the customer number. Beside this you can create templates for different levels of reminders, with different contact persons included in your email and a different text to ensure the right people are up to date on the payment terms.

These different levels of the reminders can be automatically configured based on how many previous reminders have been sent. The outstanding invoices can be listed in the text and the PDF files automatically attached to ensure your customer knows which invoices are outstanding.  Before they are actually sent you will still get a list of them on which you can edit the details such as the reminder level or even delete the reminder if an arrangement has already been made with the customer.

Harness the power of AI and automatically recognize Purchase Invoices

Over 300 logistics service providers trust Boltrics’ commitment to staying up-to-date. We promise that you will always have access to the latest logistics functionalities and modules. Now and in the future. This includes AI-powered functionalities, such as our Purchase Invoice Recognition. This function help you save a lot of time when dealing with an influx of invoices. Read our blog to find out how to use it.

The configuration and examples shown in this post are provided “AS IS”. Therefore, no guarantees and no further rights can be derived from this. (Read our disclaimer)