When you are active in the cold logistics industry, your operation faces strict regulations, various storage demands, and an extremely wide variety of characteristics of incoming goods. Especially in the field of vegetables and fruits. Whether it concerns the product type or the target market, each specific product is bound to prescribed temperatures and restrictions for storage. And the larger your operation, the more complex it becomes.

The inventory validation matrix in Boltrics’ Warehouse Management System (WMS) takes this complexity away from your employees. The system determines which combinations of characteristics are and are not allowed, based on your given restrictions. For example, which type of products destined for a specific market must be stored in what temperature zone? Or even more specifically; which brand of apple with which quality code must be stored in a specific location?

Define characteristics, set up rules, and… there you go!

This new functionality in the WMS enables you to capture a wide range of characteristics in one line and directly apply the rules throughout your entire operation. For example, fruits can have characteristics such as type of fruit – with a lot of diversity within one type too –, size, target market, quality, brand, and much more. When you combine these variables, it is possible that some combinations are not allowed. If a batch is destined for the European market, you might have to deal with stricter regulations than for other areas. In that case, you can use the inventory validation matrix to make sure these products are stored at the correct locations under the right temperature and condition.

How does it work behind the scenes?

Take the example above: products with a specific target market may only be stored at a certain location. What does that look like in the matrix? Below, we share a basic snapshot of how this validation matrix is constructed. But you can also make similar combinations with, for example, type, brand, and quality.

Seamlessly adopted in your workflows

In line with the philosophy of 3PL Dynamics, using standard functionalities to flexibly configure your WMS, the validation matrix can be automatically consulted for certain functions. For example, when the WMS needs to calculate a suggested location for incoming goods. When you set up a function to first check the validation matrix, the suggestion immediately adheres to the restrictions you have imposed. As in the above example, the restriction to store certain target markets only at one location. Or, to not allow certain products to be stored together. And all this without your employees having to worry about it. That saves time!

Tackle your cold logistics challenges with an industry-specific software solution

On October 23, Boltrics and the Global Cold Chain Alliance will join forces and dive into the top challenges the cold logistics industry is facing. During a 45-minute webinar, we will show how to use the industry-specific software solution 3PL Dynamics to tackle your operation’s top challenges. Now and in the future. From handling (skilled) labor shortages to keeping up with the latest technical developments and rising customer demands. Register now.

The configuration and examples shown in this post are provided “AS IS”. Therefore, no guarantees and no further rights can be derived from this. (Read our disclaimer)