To the cloud: doing more with less. flexible, safe & 24/7 available
14 December, 2022
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4min. reading time
We have first-row tickets to an incredible change. Historically, economically, and technologically. But besides all the uncertainties, one thing is clear as day: organizations worldwide focus on digitalization. It is the solution to navigate you through this change. To do more work with fewer resources. To be less vulnerable to cyber attacks.
As a logistics service provider, you know what it means to distinguish yourself from the competition. Technology helps you to support this distinctive character of your logistic operation. To achieve more, despite the current labor shortages.
The developments in IT go fast. The key to keeping up? Technology is not a train that you can keep up by running along with it. It is a train you must simply take your place in. In front or the back. The choice is up to you. As long as you do get aboard.
There is no perfect balance. You must keep balancing.
There is no perfect balance between supply and demand. There never was. The key is to balance continuously. Move between the availability and wishes of the market. The cloud is the most flexible way to focus your IT investments on. Enabling yourself to gain more results with less. No need for investments in servers, for example. But still easily scalable in the number of licenses. No worries about backups. Yet the highest level possible in data protection. Less complexity. More innovation.
“Nearly a third of respondents to Gartner research said that technology is critical to the success and growth of their business.” Predicts 2023: Supply Chain Technology by Dwight Klappich – Gartner
At Boltrics, we build on and trust the #1 in SaaS: Microsoft Azure. As we speak, over 50 customers already use the cloud solution. In 2022 alone, 13 companies made the switch from on-premise to SaaS. And that transition will gain speed. Especially with the guarantee we recently received from Microsoft: ‘because you are one of our priority customers in the Netherlands, we believe it is important to offer you more support from Microsoft.’ In other words, even more (cloud) power!
“The combination of Boltrics ’approach and Microsoft’s Cloud platform gives us the confidence that we always have access to the latest options.”
Thom Lems, Project Manager at Hudig & Veder
Microsoft Azure: 100% focus on security to protect your data
One of the most important reasons for customers to choose the cloud is security. Software installed on local servers brings along challenges. And in some cases even dangers. Over the recent period, multiple logistics service providers were victims of hacks. Software that ran on local servers stopped without a warning. And the impact was huge: the entire operation stood still for multiple days.
Azure is the world’s computer. We have more than 60 data center regions connected by 175,000 miles of fiber.” Satya Nadella, Chairmain & CEO at Microsoft
As an individual company, you simply cannot compete with the security efforts of a company like Microsoft. For example, Microsoft itself already invests 1 billion dollars in security and compliance. And they use AI and machine learning to analyze their data. Technology that is able to pick up hacking activities before your files are actually encrypted. When the system recognizes a device is compromitted or in danger, cloud blocking is immediately activated. All with the goal to keep hackers out and your data in.
To the cloud. Are you ready?
After reading the benefits stated above, the shift to the cloud makes even more sense. Now, the question remains: when will you take this step toward the future?
Do you want to learn more about how 3PL Dynamics is supported in the Microsoft SaaS environment? Let us know and mail to marketing@boltrics.nl.