Customs, News
Boltrics affiliated with Alliantie Douane Software (Alliance Customs Software)
29 June, 2021
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In order to further intensify and improve the communication with Dutch customs, the Alliantie Douane Software (ADS – Alliance Customs Software) has been set up by a number of software suppliers active in customs and excise duties. An improvement and strengthening of that link is in favour of all parties involved in cross-border logistics. Boltrics has recently joined the Alliance.
The Alliance, part of the ODB-iT – The Customs and Business Partnership Co-operation, collaborates and works with customs on strategic topics that contribute to delivering high quality and full-service products and services to business community. The Alliance hereby maintains contacts with customs and stakeholders through an independent representative.
The affiliated suppliers are: ABM Data Systems, AEB, Beurtvaartaddress, Descartes, Fiton, IHomer, Intris, Kewill, Langdon Systems, LSP Solutions, MIC Customs Solutions, SAP, Softpak, Stratech Software Solutions, Stream Software NV and Boltrics.