As a customer of Boltrics you can make use of the most recent Microsoft technology and the newest logistics functionalities, thanks to the always up to date promise. This year, the entire Boltrics peloton makes the transition to the latest version of Microsoft Business Central. In this way, the peloton is ready for the future and you are insured of a solution that stays up to date. Hudig & Veder, Lineage Logistics, Moovle and Trexico Logistics are four logistics service providers leading the peloton in this process. As they were one of the first to go live with the latest version, they will share their thoughts on the update. Because, what drives them to be in front of the peloton? Why do these logistics service providers find updating this important? And how do they look back on the update process?

Hudig & Veder

Thom Lems – Project Manager IT

‘By being one of the first customers in the update process, we saw the opportunity to help ourselves, but also Boltrics. Thanks to our key user team, we were able to test our processes thoroughly, and Boltrics could solve possible issues. For us, as well as for the rest of the peloton.’

‘The logistics industry is changing. How these changes will look like, no one knows. However, you must make sure you can keep up. Otherwise, you will quickly be sidelined.’

‘If we stay behind now, we would need to start over in a few years. Including a new investment in time and money. We would have to do everything all over again. And that is exactly what we wanted to prevent by choosing for Boltrics’ always up to date promise.’

Lineage Logistics

Peter Bryssinck– Business Integration Manager

‘From our philosophy we are innovation driven: if there is something new, we want to try it. Therefore, we did not want to be the last one to test the new version. By being in front of Boltrics’ peloton, we contribute to the development of the product on all fronts.’

‘You must update at some point. So, do not wait until the last possibility. When time forces you to update, chances are that it will not be at a convenient moment.’

‘An update costs effort and resources, but that does not compete with the benefits of the newest technology and functionalities.’


Marinus van der Sluijs – Owner

‘With new technology comes better security. By updating, we automatically make sure our systems are protected and stay protected.’

‘Doing nothing is not an option. Then, you won’t be able to take any steps forward.’

‘The longer you wait to update, the more you slow down the peloton. That is not in the best interest of both the frontrunners, as all others. The sooner everyone is live with the latest version, the sooner there can be focused on optimizing the solution for the entire peloton.‘

Trexico Logistics

Niek de Baar – Logistics Supervisor

‘IT is something you can distinguish yourself in, also towards customers. That is why Trexico thinks we must follow the developments. You must always try to expand your possibilities.’

‘Sometimes, always being up to date brings challenges. Not everything works directly as you may be used to. That makes sense. However, that does not outweigh the value of the most recent technology.’

‘If we implement smaller updates more often, it becomes easier to follow all developments. Keeping up every time brings the fewest problems in the end.’

Do you want to see all motivations to update in one overview? Download the customer story In the front of the update train: four leaders of the peloton speaking.

More information about your update?

Do you want to learn more about the update? Or do you have questions about your own update process? Mail to We are happy to help.