‘— Keep track of your KPI’s by using generic charts! —

Hi there !

Yes, nowadays embedded Power BI seems to make this topic expandable, but a lot of users do not – or do not know how to – use Dynamics Nav Generic Charts in Nav 2016.

You might think that it is difficult to set a generic chart on your role center, but if you follow these simple steps you will get there quicker than you can imagine!

Step 1 : Decide of which item you want to generate a chart.

In this example, I want to create a figure of ordered Load Meters by Customer in whole of 2016. It gives me direct access to an important KPI to follow during the year.

Step 2 : Open the page where this information is entered, in this case: Transport Orders.

Step 3 : Set your cursor on the line or field concerned, in this case: Goods line.

Step 4 : Use Ctrl-Alt-Winkey (Windows key) and F1 to open “About this page” and to gather the following information:

  1. SourceTable No. – In this case: 11172787 – “TMS Document line”
  2. Field(s) you want to measure: “Load Mtr”
  3. Field you want to sort by: “Sell-to Customer Name”

Step 5 : Create a new Chart in “Generic Charts” and edit the following settings:

  1. Enter a new chart ID and description, which will be the title of the chart on the role center.
  2. Select source type ‘Table’ and enter the Table No in ‘Source ID’.
  3. By using a filter on some fields, you are able to set a date window like “> 01-01-2016” and prevent empty columns by “<>0”
  4. Select the measure field and aggregation method. Set the layout of your chart with Graph Type.
  5. At last you set the X-axis Dimension, in this case: “Sell-to Customer Name”

Step 6 : Go to role center and the “customize this page” window. Here you can insert the created Generic Chart with a few simple clicks;

  1. Add “Chart Part”
  2. Click on “Customize Part…”
  3. Select the chart

And there you have it: Your custom made generic chart on your own role center. Just mouse-over if you need more detailed information.

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