Blogs, Promises
Go live successfully in 3 months?
12 January, 2018
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3min. reading time
Is that even possible in such a short timeframe? How does Boltrics make this possible? You’re very likely to ask yourself these questions, to which we often give an explanation about the approach and the way to success. But the key to success lies – without a doubt – within the cooperation between us and your organization. This ultimately determines the scope and success of your Go Live.
Your key user is the key
To be successful, the right people need to be appointed. Or even better: need to step forward. The key users are therefore the main players in the overall process. They determine the success of the project!
To achieve this success, a proper mindset and a healthy dose of enthusiasm is required – complemented with knowledge of the process. For the key user, it is of importance that internal conditions are properly arranged. The most successful implementations were the ones where the key users were made free of his ‘regular’ work, there was project space available that supported seclusion and focus, and the key users had the mandate to make choices during the process. In other words: full support from the organization to make the project a success.
Our promise: fixed time
Over the years we have developed a project method that has already proven its success. Thus we are convinced to take on this challenge with every customer: fixed time. It is even one of our promises.
The basis of the success is already laid and determined in the preliminary phase. The overall scope is drawn up as simple and narrow as possible. Small steps leading to a great result. Here, the preconditions are of course important key elements.
Achieve milestones together
Together with the client, we have arranged a fixed time – so the Go-Live date is set. But setting a deadline requires focus. After all, we have the same end goal. This goal is achieved through a number of milestones in the process – in which both stakeholders and the project team are present:
1. Workshop: The appointed consultant visits the customer on location to discuss the business processes of the organization.
2. Simulation 1: During the simulation, a consultant provides a demo showing how the work processes are organized within the solution. Clear agreements must be made – within which the implementation can take place.
3. Simulation 2: During the simulation, the key users show – through all sorts of scenarios – how the business processes are supported within the software.
4. Go Live: Under the guidance of a consultant, the various steps towards a controlled Go Live are warranted.
5. Delivery: After going live, the consultant will make an inventory of points of improvement.
This method has already proven its value and ensures a successful Go Live.
In short: the key users are the key to success and determine the depth achieved with the new solution. As a reward, we provide a traditional cake on the day of going live – because a success requires celebration!